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Undergraduate Programs

 17/02/2017  37741

1. Finance – Banking


– Corporate Finance
– Banking Finance
– Banking

Our trained bachelors of Finance and Banking have basic knowledge of economics, management,  business and comprehensive knowledge of Finance and Banking.

They are capable of operating, administering, analyzing, evaluating and advising on issues relating to businesses, commercial banks, central banks, government agencies, financial intermediate institutions and other organizations.

They have necessary skills to continue self-learning, self-development, independent research and operation as well as adaptability to changing work environment.

They are efficient and ready to do well the work related to finance and banking in all types of enterprises of all economic sectors, government agiencies and financial organizations.

Job Opportunities

  • Financial analyst in banks and financial organizations
  • Credit specialists, transaction specialists, transaction controllers, bank accountants, international payment specialists, foreign exchange specialists, financial consultants …
  • investment specialist, stockbroker, financial advisor, investment fund manager, portfolio manager …
  • Lecturers at universities, colleges and research centers.
  • Specialist in charge of financial affairs in business entities.

2. Economics

TUEBA offers 4 programs:

– Investment Economics

– Development Economics

– Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

– Health Economics

Our trained Bachelors of Economics gain fundamental knowledge and expertise in Economics, Management and Business in general and specialized knowledge in specific areas such as investment, insurance, management of health facilities, management and exploitation of resources, environment, agriculture and rural development, public management, human resources management and international trade.

Our Bachelors of Economics are able to adapt to the dynamic environment in a market economy, have professional skills and soft skills accumulated through the process of being trained and self-trained, and have a positive attitude.

Job Opportunities

With well-equipped knowledge, skills and positive trained attitude, Bachelors in Economics may be able to work effectively in different positions such as unit managers, business owners, specialists, lecturers, researchers, assistants working in various agencies and areas such as:

– Economic state management agencies;

– Enterprises of all economic sectors;

– Training institutions in the fields of Economics and Business Administration;

– Scientific and technological research institutions;

– Development investment funds, programs and projects on socio-economic development.

3. Accounting

Undergraduate programs include:

– General Accounting

– Corporate Accounting

– Auditing

Our trained Bachelors of Accounting has basic knowledge of economics, management and business and comprehensive knowledge of accounting and auditing. They are ready to undertake accounting and auditing work well in all types of enterprises of all economic sectors, banks, financial and credit institutions, non-business units and government agencies.

Job opportunities

With well-equipped knowledge, skills and positive trained attitude, Bachelors in Accounting may be able to work effectively in different positions such as:

– General accountant, activities accountant in the accounting – finance department of a business entity.

– Audit Assistant.

– Internal auditors, supervisors, inspectors, accountants in agencies.

– Lecturers at universities, colleges in the field of economics and business administration.

– Chief accountant, specialist in charge of accounting – finance in the units; Specialists in state accounting and auditing management agencies.

4. Business Administration

Undergraduate programs in Business Administration include:

– Business Administration 

– Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

– Trade Business Management

Our trained Bachelors of Business Administration gain basic knowledge of socio-economics, professional competence in the field of business management, proficient use of in-depth knowledge and skills to create and coordinate the most effective resources and operate all types of business establishments to develop business activities for enterprises and economic organizations.

Job Opportunities

After graduation, our trained Bachelors of Business Administration reveal:

– Ability to work in enterprises, economic organizations, taking the role of specialists in the functional departments in the business such as sales department, planning department, marketing department, human resources department or the role of secretaries, assistant managers at all levels. Future prospects can be entrepreneurs or executives, directors, department heads in all types of domestic and foreign business organizations.

– Ability to work in the relevant departments, agencies and state economic management agencies, business management consulting organizations. They may well take the role of consultants, assistant analyst, reporting on the market and participating in planning of business policies. In the future, they may become analysts, consultants, leaders, managers in socio-economic organizations.

– Ability to do research and deliver lectures in research institutions, higher education institutions in the field of economics and business administration.

5. Economic Law

Undergraduate programs in Economic Law include:

– Economic Management

– Economic Law. 

Our trained Bachelors of Laws in Economics gain a fundamental knowledge of economics and business administration and comprehensive knowledge of law, especially the Vietnam and international Law on Business, Vietnam and international trade law, law practices and some professional legal skills related to laws. Our Bachelors of Economic Law are equipped with necessary skills to continue self-study, research and independent practice and are able to adapt to the dynamic environment to do well legal work in government agencies, social organizations and enterprises of all economic sectors.

Job Opportunities

After graduation, our Bachelors of Economics Law might well take up a number of roles and positions such as:

– Positions in law practice, legal consultancy, study of laws and policies in government agencies.

– Specialists in consultancy and legal service organizations such as lawyers’ offices, law firms, notary offices, commercial arbitration centers in Vietnam and other countries.

– Specialists working in intergovernmental organizations, international non-government organizations in Vietnam and other countries.

– Legal consultants, legal experts in enterprises in the field of trade and investment, import-export business, intellectual property rights protection, and labor relations.

– Lecturers at institutes, universities, and colleges in the field of law, economics and business administration.

– Researchers in research institutions, state management institutes, and in administrative and political research institutions.

 6. Marketing, Trade and Tourism

The programs currently offered include:

– International Business

–Tourism and Hospitality Management

Our trained Bachelors of Marketing gain fundamental knowledge of socio-economics, in-depth knowledge of marketing, markets, customer behavior and branding. In addition, they are equipped with the skills of research, communication, analysis, planning and are ready to use those skills to solve real problems concerning the marketing of enterprises. Our trained Bachelors of Tourism and Hospitality Management gain basic knowledge of socio-economics, business management, specialized skills in travel and tourism services management, the ability to build up strategies, business plan and policies in the enterprise. In addition, our trained Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management have the ability to set up and organize business activities, formulate policies, strategies and business plan for the business.

Furthermore, they show ability to adapt to the dynamic working environment and the ability to build marketing strategies for businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving dynamic, competitive and globalized environment.

Job Opportunities

After graduation, our Bachelors of Marketing might well take up a number of roles and positions such as:

– Marketing staff, marketing manager in a business.

– Marketing staff for social marketing, event organization in profit organizations, social organizations and nonprofit organizations.

– Business owner.

– Lecturers at institutes, universities, and colleges in the field of economics and business administration.

– Specialist or manager in the travel and tourism sector, hotels, restaurants and amusement parks.

– Staff or manager working at management agencies, planning tourism development policies.

– Designing new tourism products, creating service-providing enterprises or becoming business owners.

– Lecturers and researchers at institutes, universities, and colleges in the field of toursim, travel and hospitality management and business administration.