Trường ĐH Kinh tế và Quản trị Kinh Doanh - ĐH Thái Nguyên


 12/05/2021  1469

In the context of globalization, international cooperation appears in most of fields, including education fields. International cooperation encourages institutions implement academic exchange activities, collaboration and support each others. Recently, Palermo University (Italy) – an university have a long history in Europe collaborate with Thai Nguyen University in teaching, research, student exchange and staff mobility.

Palermo University in the West of Sicily Island, Italy. It established since the 16th century and becomes a part of Europe education system. Palermo University was level up to University in 1806 and had 12 faculties. In 2020, Palermo University invited some lecturers of TUEBA to attend its staff mobility to teach their students. However, due to the Covid -19 pandemic, this activity has replaced by “online lecture”


Campus of Palermo University (Italy)

On December 12th, 2020, Assoc.Prof Do Anh Tai – Secretary, Chancellor of Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration and MS. Pham Minh Huong, lecturer of Marketing – Trade and Tourism accepted the invitation of Prof. Dr. Stefano De Cantis – Dean of Faculty, Master Degree in Tourism Systems and Hospitality Management, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics to give online presentations for students in Palermo. Each lecturer lasted 60 minutes under the operation of Prof.Dr. Stefano De Cantis.

          The speech of Assoc.Prof Do Anh Tai about Community Based Tourism in Vietnam presented about the development of community based Tourism in Vietnam. Meanwhile, Ms. Pham Minh Huong gave a speech about effects of Covid 19 pandemic to tourism enterprises in the world, especially in Vietnam. The presentation showed the way of Tourism agencies in Vietnam encounter to the crisis derived from disease. Then, she and students together suppose some solutions to help tourism agencies in Vietnam get over the pandemic.

          In addition, Ms. Pham Minh Huong is also invited to joint with Prof.Dr. Stefano De Cantis to support Nguyen Quang Anh, a Vietnamese student – who is studying tourism Palermo to fulfill his thesis: “The measures and policies in response to the first wave of Covid-19 Pandemic: A story of Vietnam tourism and the world”.

Announcement about cooperation between 2 universities

         On March 15th , 2021. MS. Pham Minh Huong also is honor to give a speech to praise for Nguyen Quang Anh at his graduation ceremony. Palermo University also public a paper about this activity in their website. Her courses will prolong to the end of 2022. Besides, Palermo also gave an invitation to Assoc. Prof. Hoang Thi Thu – Dean of Banking and Finance, Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration to visit Italy to give a speech about Finance for their students. All of cost for her trip will be sponsored by Eramus+  program, Europe. However, disease pandemic results in cancellation of her visits.

Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration hope that in the future, collaboration between two universities will not effected by disease and other factors and it will develop more collaborative activities.